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Gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men) can cause emotional disturbances and impair self-confidence.

Gynecomastia surgery in men is surgery performed to remove the excessive breast tissue. Additionally, the nipple-areola complex is raised and its size is reduced when needed.

In case of massive weight loss, the reduction breast surgery may involve the excision of excessive skin from the sides of the chest.

Who is a candidate?
The surgery is dedicated to healthy men individuals who are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large. The surgery will help you to return to your daily activities, but you must remember that it will leave the permanent scar.

Before the surgery
The success and safety of the breast reduction surgery depend on you honesty during the surgical consultation. You will be asked many questions regarding your health status, lifestyle, expectations and desired effects after the surgery.

Information about your coexistent diseases, drug allergies and current medications are important. Certain drugs or stimulants may cause gynecomastia, but in most cases it is idiopathic. Inform your plastic surgeon about previous operations and family history of breast diseases. The surgeon will perform breasts and testicles examination and will analyze the results of breast ultrasonography. 

You will also be given detailed information that will help you to properly prepare for the surgery. It includes:

  • quitting smoking,
  • list of contraindicated medications,
  • proper wound care technique,
  • eating and drinking restrictions day before the surgery.

The course of the surgery
Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure to remove the excess of glandular tissue, fat tissue and skin. In some cases, it may be needed to perform liposuction to remove the excess fatty tissue.
In case of severe gynecomastia, it is possible that nipple-areola complex will be cut off and sewn on to the new place on the chest. Major breast reduction may require skin incisions on the most of the chest.

The surgical technique used for breast reduction will be determined by your breast anatomy and composition, desired final results and the plastic surgeon’s preferences. Depending on the chosen technique, skin incisions can be made differently. They will all be marked before the operation and the surgeon will discuss each operative method with you during the consultation to choose the best option for you.

Type of the anesthesia
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

After the surgery

Breast reduction surgery is considered to be a “major” procedure, therefore it is important to follow the given instructions after the surgery. Before the procedure, your surgeon will explain and give you postoperative instructions.

After the surgery is over, a compression garment or dressing will be placed in the operated area. You will be able to return to daily activities approximately 1 week after the surgery. Intense physical activity is contraindicated for 6 weeks after the surgery.

Possible complications

Besides possible complications associated with general anesthesia, following complications may appear:

  • bleeding,
  • wound infection,
  • impaired sensation in the breast or/and nipples, that may be permanent or temporal.

Breast reduction surgery improves the shape and appearance of breasts, however the breast asymmetry may be present, especially when the disproportion was present before the surgery. Remember, that it will be possible to perform additional surgery in the future.

Not every patient will qualify for the breast reduction surgery and your possible complications may differ from other patients. Your plastic surgeon will explain possible risks, complications and expected results after the surgery during the preoperative consultation.

Expected results

The results of breast reduction surgery are long-lasting. Your new breast appearance will let you gain self-confidence again. Over the time, the appearance of your breasts can change due to aging, weight fluctuations, and gravity.