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Reduction of hypertrophied labia

Laser labiaplasty with clitoral foreskin grafting (hudoplasti) is a cosmetic gynaecological procedure to give the intimate area a cosmetically more attractive appearance.

The procedure is suitable for women who want to correct asymmetrical, hypertrophic or misshapen labia. The irregular size and appearance can lead to stress before undressing in public places, such as the swimming pool or the gym. In addition, the problem may lead to insufficient intimate area hygiene, which may result in inflammation of the mucous membranes in the vaginal area.

A labiaplasty removes excess tissue from the labia and reshapes the labia.

Before / After

After the procedure, it is advisable to maintain as much hygiene as possible and cover the wounds with gauze pads and sanitary pads. During this time, tampons, tight underwear and intercourse should not be used for about 2-3 weeks.

Indications for the procedure:

  • pain, discomfort in the intimate area,
  • feelings of awkwardness during intercourse,
  • asymmetric labia,
  • hypertrophied labia,
  • a deformity of the labia as a result of childbirth,
  • too big lips,
  • too flaccid labia.