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Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most frequently performed breast surgeries. The procedure involves breast enlargement and lifting. Breast augmentation is usually performed in patients who have small breast, loose and sagging breast after pregnancy, after massive weight loss or due to genetic predispositions.

Who is a candidate?
Women who wish to increase the breast size and make them look firm. The surgery is usually performed as an aesthetic procedure, but in some cases it is performed in young women due to congenital breast defect.

Before the surgery
The plastic surgeon will carefully evaluate your medical history including breast diseases, pregnancy, weight loss or gain. The breast examination will be also performed with additional imaging tests evaluation, such as breast ultrasonography or mammography.

Your overall health status will also be analyzed including:

  • quitting smoking,
  • list of contraindicated drugs,
  • proper wound care technique,
  • eating and drinking restrictions day before the surgery.

After the surgery, you will not be able to drive a car. Please remember, to arrange someone from your family or close friends to accompany you before and after the surgery.

The course of the surgery
The plastic surgeon will discuss your expectations regarding the postoperative appearance, health and shape of your breasts. Before the consultation, you should carefully consider your thoughts and requirements about the breast appearance after the surgery. Some operations will require implants augmentation in order to achieve desired effects. Skin incisions are made under the breast and they will be marked before the surgery.

The plastic surgeon will decide with you on the placement of the implants (over the top or under the pectoralis major muscle), their size and shape.

You will be informed about early and late complications that may occur after the surgery.

Type of the anesthesia
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

After the surgery

The pain is usually experienced for 24 to 72 hours postoperatively. The breast swelling is also present, but it subsides about 1 month after the operation. Patients are usually able to return to social life 2 to 4 days after the surgery. In order to achieve the best results after the surgery, you will have to perform breast massage to properly place the implants in the sheath. Intense physical exercises are contraindicated for 4 weeks after the surgery including:

  • running,
  • jumping,
  • weightlifting.

Possible complications

Breast augmentation with implants is considered as a “major” surgery. You should carefully consider and discuss your expectations regarding breast appearance after the operation with the plastic surgeon.

Besides possible complications associated with general anesthesia, following complications may appear:

  • bleeding,
  • wound infection,
  • impaired wound healing and scar formation,
  • postoperative breast asymmetry.

Complications associated with breast implant placement:

  • implant rupture,
  • infection,
  • individual reaction to the implants.

Breast augmentation with implants is considered to be a safe and not threatening your health surgery. The implants are not permanent and it is possible that you will need an additional breast surgery in the future. Not every patient is a good candidate for breast augmentation and every individual may experience different type of complications after the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will explain possible risks, complications and expected results of the surgery during the preoperative consultation.

Expected results

Your breast will look youthful, firmer, smoother and more attractive after the surgery.
